Australian Made! 
Rota-Loo waterless composting toilet systems have been successfully turning human waste into rich humus for safe disposal or use in the garden for decades and are well known for being easy to install and easy to maintain.
- Install where septic cannot be used
- Waterless, Odourless, Chemical free
- Virtually maintenance free
You can install and use Rota-Loo safely in close proximity to waterways and other sensitive environments.
Rota-Loo is a batch composting system, which means bins only require handling once the composting process is complete, so there is no mess and no fuss.
Rota-Loo does not smell!
Rota-Loo is a waterless system where natural moisture is separated and aerobic decomposition (which occurs naturally without odour) is maintained.

The Rota-Loo turbo fan also encourages evaporation whilst providing a slight negative pressure at the pedestal. This ensures air is drawn down through the top of the pedestal, keeping the toilet room nice and fresh.
How Rota Loo Works
Imagine the Rota-Loo is a clock. Bin 1 is in use at 12 o’ clock. With regular use, each bin takes an average of 2 months to fill.
When Bin 1 is full, rotate the Rota-Loo to the next position on the clock so the next bin is in use at 12 o’clock.
Repeat until the first bin goes all the way around the clock. As each full bin comes back to the start (approximately 1 year later), its contents are fully composted into nutrient rich humus.
The humus can be safely used in the garden and the newly empty bin can be used again.

Watch the video as to how the Rota Loo works above
Product Details
Rota-Loos are made in several sizes. The number of people that each size is suited to will vary, depending on the installation and the composting conditions that can be generated.
The smallest unit is the Rota-Loo 650. It was designed for use in holiday homes with only one toilet pedestal and for homes with minimal clearance. The 650 will cater for 4 people on a full-time basis.
The largest domestic Rota-Loo is the 950 and will cater for a large family of up to 8 people. The 950 also has the capacity to take two pedestals on the same unit. It is the most popular choice.
The huge capacity of the Maxi 2000 makes it particularly suitable for public toilet facilities where the site is environmentally sensitive, where water is in short supply, or where a low maintenance facility is required.
All models are inclusive of one ‘Oslo’ Pedestal. The RL 950 and RL 2000 models can accommodate 2 pedestals – in which case the ‘Extra Oslo Pedestal with Chute’ can be ordered .
Product Comparison Table for Rota Loo

RL650 Package Includes
1 x RL650 with 6 x bins, 1 x RL650/950 Filter Pack of 6 filters , 1 x Air Inlet Filter, 2 x RL650 Vent Pod, 2 x Vent Pod Connector (100mm), 1 x Fan Housing and Fan, 1 x Waste Chute, 1 x Wind Turbine Sewer Vent, 1 x Wind Turbine Adaptor, 1 x 1L Bottle Biostimulant, 1 x RL650 Document Pack.
With 1 x ‘Standard’ Polyethylene Pedestal – $3,445.75 (out of stock)
With 1 x ‘Oslo’ Porcelain Pedestal – $3,589.50

RL950 Package Includes
1 x RL950 with 6 x bins, 1 x RL650 / 950 Filter Pack of 6 filters, 1 x Air Inlet Filter, 1 x Inlet Pod Connector (300mm), 1 x Outlet Pod Connector (100mm), 1 x Fan Housing and Fan, 1 x Waste Chute, 1 x Wind Turbine Sewer Vent, 1 x Wind Turbine Adaptor, 1 x 1L Bottle Biostimulant, 1 x RL950 Document Pack.
With 1x ‘Standard’ Polyethylene Pedestal – $4,276.25 (out of stock)
With 1x ‘Oslo’ Porcelain Pedestal – $4,420.00

RL2000 Package Includes
1 x RL2000 with 8 x bins, 1 x RL2000 Filter Pack of 8 filters, 2 x Waste chute adaptor, 1 x Air Inlet Filter, 2 x RL650 Vent Pod, 1 x Inlet Pod Connector (100mm pipe size), 1 x Outlet Pod Connector (150mm pipe size), 1 x Fan Housing and Fan, 2 x Waste Chute, 1 x Wind Turbine Sewer Vent, 1 x Wind Turbine Adaptor, 1 x 1L Bottle Biostimulant, 1 x RL2000 Document Pack, 1 x Bin Trolley.
With 1x ‘Standard’ Polyethylene Pedestal – $8,797.25 (out of stock)
With 1 x ‘Oslo’ Porcelain Pedestal – $8,941.00
For high use installations we also recommend the installation of an Excess Liquid Tank Kit
(incl fan and vent fittings) $1,781.00

Please contact us for additional optional extras and spare parts.
For sales and freight costs, please contact our office on 1300 85 99 35
or email your sales inquiry to: [email protected]

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean